The Betta Splendens is a more beautifull japanese fighter fish with lots of color,it will be more attractive. I know it live in freshwater and not the salt sea. So i think about a more little fresh water aquarium to evolve in a more great and more with point or in app purchase. This fish live really like yours so the artificial intelligence will be awesome and great experience. The difference is that It fight and eat his concurrent male so in the pet shop it is sold alone with one or others female, so like your gameplay it will be normally alone until the game point give the female and (why not sold in app purchase more females to user who want it). Maybe you could use the same situation, but why not interactive fight simulation with two male in two idevices. But i really hope that you will search info and see if it is possible. Thanks.
I apologize about my english, i live in France/ paris.
Canycm about iQuarium, v2.02